This post is about honesty. Honesty is a special gift we have. It's important to be honest both within ourselves and outside with others. Let's begin by talking about being honest with others, which is usually easier.
Being honest with our family and friends is usually simple. Just be truthful in all matters. Speak your truth as well. However, sometimes our honesty can unintentionally hurt someone's feelings. This happens when we say something that we think will help them, but they take it as an attack. We should try to understand why they respond that way. Maybe they see our help as criticism, even though we've always tried to guide them to a better place, like you would a child. So we need to be aware of that.
When dealing with others, we should consider their feelings and reactions.You can always see their reactions, no matter how subtle it may be, in their face or body language. Sometimes there may even be a harsh response.
It's important to think about their comfort, not just their status, such as being an authority figure. We should also reflect on past experiences that you know about, and see if there have been any conflicts or disappointments that might affect how they respond to your honesty in the now.
Being honest with others is great, but we must be careful because it can have its challenges as discussed above. In business, honesty seems to be lacking sometimes. I've seen people taking advantage of others in business relationships, using the excuse that "it's just business."
However, business shouldn't be heartless. It reminds me of what Jesus said in the Bible, "You cannot serve God and mammon." Mammon was a god of riches in ancient Persia. It seems like money and profit often become the main focus, regardless of who gets hurt.
So it's important to evaluate how we approach business, social interactions, and everything we're involved in. Are we being as honest as we can be when dealing with others? Do we understand our priorities in each relationship? These considerations will guide your honest responses in everything you do.
In our next posting we will look at being honest with self.
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