How Life Works #2

How Life Works #2

How Life Works #2

The other day I posted a brief synopsis of how life works, how it unfolds. In this post I will share with you how you can determine your own particular way of gaining acceptance. Which is a hinderance to your true spiritual, emotional, physical/material and social health and well being.

Here’s how it is: every child seeks its mothers acceptance, covered in part 1, in one of two ways. It will either acquire that acceptance through approval or rejection.

Those on the path of approval for acceptance, are the girls who are like their mom. The boys are like their dads. Simple enough to see and relate to.

On the other end of the scale, are those who use rejection as a form of acceptance. In this scenario the girls are opposite the moms, and the boys opposite the dads. It's easy to spot within oneself, especially when truly seeking the why’s and wherefore’s! It is even easier to see in others. The hardest thing is to look at Self and be honest about who, and how, you are.

As you know there is a reason for everything that happens in life. And creating which mode you are going to use for acceptance is no different. So, let’s us begin with the one aspect that doesn’t seem to even make sense, the need for rejection!

There are numerous factors creating this situation. It all begins at the moment of awareness and knowledge of the woman becoming pregnant. This knowing can set off a chain reaction that will communicate to the soul, when it enters the womb at 9 weeks, that the energy of rejection is synonymies with peace, tranquility and, above all, LOVE!

Here are some of those potential causes:

The very first one that becomes an influence in thinking and feeling is, is the relationship going to last? Do I want to stay in this relationship?

Do I want to have a child? The house already feels small. My carrier is very important to me. I don’t want to bring a child into this world.

Yet, now that I am pregnant I have to go through with it! (This last feeling is based on religious, family and maybe peer pressure.) And HERE is where the anger, resentment and rejection are born! Here is where, and when, the determination of which approach in seeking acceptance the soul will use. (More on this in a later posting#3)

So, when these children are born, they will begin to learn, from seeing, listening, and feeling, how to act, and react, in accordance with their mode of seeking acceptance.

Since it is easy to see an appeaser, an aspect of approval, I thought we should look at the subtleties of rejection at work.

Those who use rejection as their form of acceptance have created patterns of behavior who’s end result will elicit rejection from all involved.

Here are examples of some patterns these folks exhibit: great starters, but they don't finish; procrastinators; when something is completed because it MUST, it will be late and cost the person/company extra time, energy, and especially money! These events WILL get the person fired, again and again.
There are many other signs such as always being late; not calling to let others know; something will always be done to get others to reject them.

Now you know how some aspects of life work. Look at your Self and your friends. This will help you to better understand yourself and them as well. Better understanding leads to greater communication. And there’s no telling where those conversations, laced with understanding and acceptance of others, will take you.

In our next post in “how life works” will focus on how you chose your parents.



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