The acquisition of external knowledge holds immense value as it propels you forward on your chosen path, fosters effective communication with others, and safeguards you from being exploited, particularly when relying on someone to perform tasks on your behalf.
In many instances, we find ourselves reliant on others due to their level of understanding, or craftsmanship, of various problems and their corresponding solutions.
However, it is crucial to acknowledge that some individuals may attempt to deceive or defraud us, potentially resulting in financial loss, wasted time and energy, or even jeopardizing our overall well-being. Regrettably, such occurrences appear to be on the rise in recent times.
Consequently, it is essential to thoroughly research any endeavor you embark upon. Abundant knowledge and wisdom exist within the vast expanse of information available to us. By harnessing this knowledge and incorporating it into your daily life, you can cultivate confidence. Furthermore, developing self-awareness.
When it comes to self, depth plays a crucial role. The depth is derived from experiences. For instance, you learn that getting close to a hot flame will result in a burn. This knowledge can be acquired through verbal instruction or personal encounters like touching a hot iron or pan. Such experiences drive home the lesson that touching something hot causes pain.
Consequently, you gain an understanding of how you relate tothe external world and how your actions impact it. However, the most essential type of knowledge for you pertains to your behavior and responses in various situations.
Knowledge serves as the initial level, which can lead to understanding, as we have discussed previously. Understanding, in turn, enables control over your emotions, actions, and reactions. By gaining control over these energies, particularly restraining emotional outbursts, you can attain mastery. As your perception sharpens, you begin to discern the underlying thoughts behind someone's words, especially when they are directed at you. This is when someone makes a “joke” about you, or to you. A joke is often a very subtle attack. Your mind, which is highly attuned, in hearing the comment will respond by setting a pattern of behavior in motion. There will be a reaction on some level.
This understanding also allows you to recognize that self-deprecation is a self-inflicted attack.Similarly, when you observe something and comprehend its symbolic meaning, you gain more knowledge about yourself, particularly regarding patterns of behavior. This heightened awareness provides insights into where you are in the cycle of the pattern as it is unfolding. Armed with this knowledge, you have the opportunity to alter the outcome. It is crucial to understand that all patterns of behavior share a commonthread—an expectation at the end. Your mind seeks to fulfill these expectation, thus validating the concept, even if it proves detrimental to your well-being.
Therefore, by delving into the depths of self-awareness and utilizing the knowledge gained from experiences and understanding, you can steer your behavior towards healthier outcomes, liberating yourself from harmful patterns. This is when you stop your personal history from, once again, repeating.
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