Love 1

Love 1

Today's blog is all about the spiritual gift of love. This is one gift everyone uses in different ways, levels and degrees.

As I was thinking about what to write, I realized that in our previous sessions, we never talked about the opposite of the main topic. We usually looked at things from the material plane perspective, where there are two aspects to everything, the external and the internal.

However, when we talk about love, there is a whole other dimension to this gift. It is its energy. Love is the positive expression of that spiritual energy and hate is the opposite. Often expressed in the extreme.

Love and hate are fierce energies that produce the same result. From a very different point of view.

When you love someone, you feel so happy that sometimes tears of joy well up in your eyes. On the other hand, when you're filled with hate, you might get so angry that tears well up too. The extreme emotions can cloud our thoughts and make it hard to see clearly. People often say 'love is blind' and a 'blind rage' to describe the reactions of these energies.

In the upcoming discussions on love, we'll explore more aspects of love.

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