Objectivity 3

Objectivity 3

In this session we start our inward journey. Developing the skill to becoming objective with ourself.
Being objective with oneself and attempting self-reflection is a distinct challenge. Our natural inclination is to seek the best in ourselves, which may also extend to our perception of others, as we desire to see their positive qualities. However,
achieving clarity within ourselves is difficult due to ingrained beliefs that we have acquired over time.
These beliefs may include notions of inadequacy, laziness, stupidity, selfishness, and inconsideration to mention just a few. If you would like to see how this occurs, just follow a mom, or dad, with their child, around a store and listen to what the mom, or dad, says to the child. What is really taking place is the child is being programmed to believe something about themselves. After all, our parents love us and wouldn’t tell us something that wasn’t true.
Unfortunately, these programs are often instilled by our families, not only through direct communication but also through observing the behaviors of our parents. This is why, for instance, some women may end up marrying men who resemble their fathers or are their exact opposites. The same holds true for men who may choose partners similar to their mothers or their opposites. However, it is worth noting that
even seemingly opposite personalities can share similarities in terms of energy and attitudes towards various aspects of life. Therefore, the crucial aspect here is to consciously explore and draw upon your self-knowledge and
To embark on this journey of self-discovery, I offer you a technique called the "blank page exercise." This exercise is to gain a deeper understanding of yourself by critically examining your concepts regarding different aspects of life.
Here’s how to use this technique. Let’s say you want to understand how it is you view the opposite gender, and your own. In the left hand column, list your thoughts on how you think a ma/woman should be, especially in regards to being a: son/daughter to your parents; father/mother; son/daughter in this case, your own. Go through all the different roles one has in life from the family perspective.
In the right hand column, write down where these beliefs come from, mom, dad, culture or tradition. Also seek to understand which of your own parents you emulate.
Doing this exercise, and applying it to other aspects of life will yield knowledge that will allow you a great degree of objectivity. This in turn will set you on the path of becoming free of these influences that hold you back in life.
Another one of the key aspects of objectivity is being aware of your emotional   responses to what you hear, see, and experience. By observing and remembering these reactions, you can gain insights into your underlying belief system. As
we previously discussed, all knowledge and perceptions are filtered through this belief system. Therefore, the more introspective and self-aware you become, the more valuable and effective your interactions and choices will be. This process leads to greater balance and harmony in your life, enhancing your overall well-being.
If you have questions or suggestions please write to info@cutateachings.org
In our next get together, we will examine the gift of perseverance
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