

In this blog we explore the benefits of the spiritual gift of perseverance.

Perseverance is a special gift that we all have, but sometimes we don't realize how important or valuable it is. When things get tough, many people give up on their goals and dreams. They will come up with logical reasons to justify why they're quitting, but deep down, they're just giving in to the challenges. This is a prime example of not using a working faith.

But true perseverance means having a strong spirit, a solid working faith in place, and not giving up, no matter how hard the journey becomes. Imagine you have a goal, like getting a new car, a better house, nicer clothes, or a special job. Achieving these desires requires a lot of strength and determination to face the obstacles in your way. Obstacles make you stronger. An easy path to achieving your dreams actually weakens you, especially if you have to rebuild.

To overcome these challenges, use the four P's: Plan, Prepare, Project, and Provide. Planning carefully is like being an architect of your own destiny. Each step you take gets you closer to your dreams.

As you move forward, be mentally and emotionally prepared for the challenges ahead. Perseverance can't rely only on hope; it needs the support of preparation.

Picture your dreams vividly, like painting a clear image of what you want to achieve. Let your dreams guide you and give you purpose.

And when tough times come, be resilient and keep going. Embrace setbacks and failures as opportunities to learn and grow.

Remember, perseverance isn't just about being determined for a short time. It's about committing to keep going and thrive even when things get difficult. Embrace this gift of perseverance, use it wisely, and let it light up your path towards making your dreams come true.

In our next blog we will go deeper into planning, preparing, projecting and providing.

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