Perseverance 2

Perseverance 2

In this episode we expand our understanding of the 4 P’s

Planning: Start by carefully planning your project, setting clear goals for what you want to accomplish. This means making a list of what you need to accomplish your goal, like permits, special tools, or extra money. You may need professional help such as a lawyer, building contractor, or skilled craftsmen to name a few.

Prepare: Prepare yourself for the challenges you might face.Think about external factors, like bad weather or supply chain issues, that could stop you from succeeding. Make a checklist.Think of every possible need you have to make your idea come to fruition. Stretch you mind to see what else you may need in the immediate present and upcoming future. As an example, having extra cash on hand if things don’t take off right away. You will still have bills to pay and people to feed.You will also need to look within yourself and recognize any personal traits, like procrastination or being too hasty, that might hold you back.

Projecting: Projecting is looking into the future, assessing the possible external factors that could potentially hinder your progress. Again, you must think hard of all the obstacles that you must overcome. Keep in mind the only person that really wants you to succeed is you.

Are the obstacles man-made situations? Are they naturally occurring events, like storms, drought, or the possibility of flooding? These days nothing about the weather can be taken for granted. You cannot think that what was in the past will continue to be. We are living in a new environment.

Because of the economy and weather related events, they could cause supply chain issues as one example. Understanding these external challenges helps you be prepared to face them head-on.List as many as you can. Even thinking “no, that will never happen” can foster a false sense of security. What if it does? If you don’t prepare for it it could wipe you out.

Equally important in projecting ahead is the need to look inward –what internal traits or habits might hinder your progress? Do you tend to procrastinate or struggle with punctuality? Do you jump to conclusions? Do you look at life through “rose colored” glasses?

Identifying these barriers can help you work on improving yourself and your approach to achieving your goals.

Providing: Provide yourself with all the insights, understandings, and requirements that surfaced during your planning, preparing and projecting. Armed with this knowledge, you'll have everything you need to persevere through the challenges that lie ahead.

Incorporating perseverance into your project is the key to success. Although it may seem daunting, the path to achieving your dreams can become simpler when you approach it with determination and a well-thought-out plan. So remember, no matter how tough it gets, use that gift of perseverance, and you'll find the strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

In our next posting we will explore the gift of strength.

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