Spiritual Gift of Sight 4

In our last posting we said we would look at dreams. We know some of you feel that you do not dream. Well, you do. You just may not remember them.

So, here is a technique for recalling your dreams. Before you fall asleep at night, tell yourself that when you brush your teeth, or have a cut of coffee, you will recall your dream.

That will start the process of oiling the gears to street working smoothly.

Think of life as a cycle. Everything in the universe flows in cycles. Earth circles the sun, our sun circles a larger body in the Milky Way. Cycles are a pattern that repeats.

All cycles, and especially patterns have two parts. An action and a rest Insert UT.the active part and the rest part. The rest part gets you ready for what's next. Like how nights prepare us for days. Dreams are like your mind's way of preparing you for the next day's patterns. They give hints about what might happen next.

They will tell you which concept has been triggered and which patterns are at work and where I the pattern you are. That knowledge gives you the opportunity to change the outcome of the pattern .

The ability of "visualization" is using your imagination, a spiritual gift we have covered in the past, to see things in your mind.

Here is a way to use it for healing. Let's say you just had a blood test and they told you that your kidney’s are not working at optimal levels. You need to do something to fix them or overtime, you may need dialysis .

So, here’s a method and technique to begin the healing process. Get a book that has pictures of healthy kidneys. Next, you can close your eyes, relax your entire body, (we have a track you can download), and imagine your kidneys becoming healthier. See then getting healthier. See them as the picture in the book. It’s like programming your brain to make things better.

Use visualization to reach your goals—it's a really awesome trick that works if you do it right!

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