The way life works for every human being. I trust you will forgive my arrogance on thinking that I know how life truly works and it’s purpose for each of us. Please read on before you turn away and see if you too agree with this perspective.
Imagine that every body is created like an onion. At the core of it, is the Spiritual Self. This aspect of Self, and there are four, is constantly receiving guidance and directives from the God Force.
As the Spiritual Self seeks to manifest the directives assigned, and work with the guidance provided, the Emotional Self, which is the next layer on top of the Spiritual Self, corrupts the directive.
The reason for this corruption, and ignoring the directives, not acknowledging the guidance, is that the Emotional Self has its own agenda.
That agenda, which is the same for everyone, is seeking acceptance from its mother. The reason for that is that the birth canal is the entry point into the material plane, this dimension, and the soul within that person, that child, does not want to be cut off from the door way “home.” Home being the peace and tranquility of the spiritual plane.
Having said that, what happens next is as that person is applying the agenda of the Emotional Self, it ends up blocking, ignoring, or altering the objectives of the Spiritual Self. When this occurs, a situation, an accident, a condition, or disease will manifest. Something in their Physical/Material Self will display this. The reason is because everything within will manifest without. (A Universal Teaching.) And the Physical/Material Self is the next outer layer in our onion.
Your emotions control everything in your life! Your attitude is everything! So, where there is an emotional disharmony within, where there is conflict, it will result in a physical event. It may happen via an accident. It may become a cold, flu, or even a disease.
In the Material Self, there may be periods of financial deprivation, or struggle, or even becoming financially destitute.
Oh, when I speak of the Material Self I'm talking about your lifestyle. How you live; where you live; what you do to earn an income, etc. etc.
On top of the Physical/Material Self, the next layer is your Social Self. That's your last outward expression. Your Social Self is a mask, on some levels. It shows what you may be going through on an emotional, physical or material level. It could be an honest reflection, or just the one you want others to see.
Another aspect of the Social Self is the Intellectual Self. The Social/Intellectual Self is integrated because the mind is so fabulous at creating realities that the mind can justify, rationalize and logically explain why the person did what they did.
The reason I bring that up is because every single action that is currently taking place in your life at this moment, is your co-creation! On one level, it is habitual. It is a patten of behavior constantly repeating itself. (History repeats itself). The habits, the patterns of behavior, are based on subconscious concepts that say “this is who you should be, and how you should act, in every given situation.” Of course this depending upon your modus operandi. Whether it's approval or rejection.
Next up will be an example of the modes of acceptance and how they may manifest in your life.