Understanding 2

Understanding 2

Today’s blog is about thinking of understanding as a fabulous gift equal to being a treasure of great value.
Understanding helps us grow both inside and outside. You might have attended a lecture of mine, or read something I wrote, and heard/saw one of my favorite expressions, "the more you know, the more you grow," and it's so true!
Understanding has different levels, and how much we seek and use it determines how deep our understanding becomes.
Let's think about it in simple terms. For example, if you're a musician, you need to understand how the notes of a scale fit together to create beautiful music. If you're a writer, understanding the different parts of the language helps you put
together meaningful sentences and share your ideas clearly.
In fact, understanding has endless uses, and we might not even fully grasp how far it can go. It's like a never-ending journey of learning and growing. At a deeper level, understanding can lead us to know ourselves better. It's essential for personal growth and becoming a healthier and happier person.
The more we apply our understanding in life, the deeper our understanding goes and the higher our awareness and consciousness become. This helps us become masters of our own lives and selves.
The work we do at CUTA aims to take you on a journey of deeper understanding, especially about yourselves. The spiritual gifts we possess are an important part of this journey. They guide us in becoming better human beings in every way.
In the next part of this series, we will talk more about how understanding applies to our inner selves.
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