Today’s blog is all about making things happen the way you
want to. It’s through using your willpower.
Willpower is a greatly underestimated spiritual gift. While some people recognize its importance, many do not fully comprehend its significance. Willpower encompasses both external and internal aspects, which we have previously discussed in relation to the dual nature of material existence.
In the external realm, willpower can be equated with perseverance, although there are distinctions. Perseverance is an admirable quality, but willpower involves a concentrated effort to manifest one's desires.
I often emphasize the importance of using your will to manifest your intentions. Merely having intentions about various aspects of life is insufficient if you do not apply your willpower and perseverance to bring them into fruition.
Regardless of your intentions, they may never come to pass without the energy and the right circumstances, which include time, space, and energy, as elucidated in Chinese philosophy.
Thus, being aware, understanding the dynamics at play, and possessing the knowledge of all the necessary ingredients for manifesting your intent can propel you closer to materializing your wants, needs and desires.
One way to employ willpower externally is through visualization. Visualizing anything is an aspect of using your imagination to see what you want to accomplish. By visualizing your desired outcome and using your willpower, you can exert influence over events and strive to make your intentions a reality.
Many individuals already are using their willpower in the pursuit of material wealth, assuming it will bring them greater peace and satisfaction. However, accumulating riches does not necessarily lead to personal growth or contentment. This notion aligns with the teaching that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven.
Money can lead to corruption on various levels, exemplified in politics where corporations support/bribe officials to obtain favors.
Such actions create a sense of obligation on the part of the recipient, wherein the recipients must fulfill their commitments to the corporations to receive continued support. While financial gain may result from these transactions, they do not guarantee health and happiness.
Overall, recognizing the power of willpower and its implications in both external and internal realms is essential for personal development. Simply accumulating more wealth without pursuing inner peace and fulfillment can lead to a hollow existence. Therefore, it is crucial to delve deeper into these concepts and embrace them genuinely, rather than merely paying lip service to their understanding.
In our next chat we will look at willpower for the internal benefits it can provide.